Hello, Beachwood!
Can you believe it? Our Independence Day Celebration is only two weeks away!
(See below for a schedule of the planned activities.) Note that our Parade this year will have a Pirate theme. Come dressed as your favorite Buccaneer!
Special Request from our Treasurer: Please bring a blank check to the annual meeting on Sunday, July 2nd so that you can pay your Annual Beachwood Assn. dues.
Thanks to all who ordered Beachwood Shirts. We have met the minimums for all shirt types, and you should expect to receive your orders in time for the 4th!
Please remember to return any Trophies to me by Sunday, July 2nd. Especially the July 4th Sunfish, Doris Dean Kayak, and Family Games trophies, which will be awarded at the Cocktail Party on July 2nd.
Independence Day celebration will be comprised of the following events:
Sat 7/1
9:00 AM: Decorated Bike / Scooter / Wagon Pirate Parade down Dean Dr.
Immediately following: Flag Raising ceremony in Taylor's front yard
Immediately following: Family Kite Flying on the Beach
1:00 PM: Annual family Beach Games on the Beach in front of Taylor's
2:00 PM: Doris Dean Memorial Kayak Trophy race on the Beach in front of Beardslee's
Immediately following: Kids & Adults Kayak Races on the Beach in front of Beardslee's
Sun 7/2 10:00 AM: Annual Beachwood Homeowner's Assn Meeting in Mears'/Taylor's Back Yards 2:00 PM: Beachwood July 4th Trophy Sunfish race on the Beach in front of Beardslee's Immediately following: Kids and Adults Sunfish races on the Beach in front of Beardslee's 6:00 PM: Hello Summer! Cocktail Party in the Dean Dr. Turn-around (BYOB and a dish to pass); Trophy and Ribbon awards for Independence Day events 9:00 PM: Bonfire / Fireworks on the Beach (weather permitting) Thanks, and see you on the Beach! -Robert Taylor, Commodore