Hey Beachwood! Independence Day is here!
Just a reminder, please bring a blank check to the Annual meeting on Sunday AM.
We are starting a Dog's of Beachwood Census! Please feel free to fill out the following form about your dogs. It will be located on the Beachwood Website census page. You may submit it for as many dogs as you want, no matter how long the dog is out here: https://forms.gle/ubsPbJ3yUA9BYzxY9
A list of the weekend's events is included below:
Thu 7/4
9:00 PM: Fireworks on the Beach in front of Taylor's. (Rain Dates: Fri 7/5 or Sat 7/6, same time & place)
Sat 7/6
9:00 AM: Olympic Torch Relay Parade down Dean Dr. (Togas optional)
Immediately following: Flag Raising ceremony in Taylor's front yard
Immediately following: Beach Volleyball tournament (teams of 4) on the Beach in front of Taylor's
1:00 PM: Beachwood Olympic Games on the Beach in front of Taylor's
2:00 PM: Kids & Adults Kayak Races on the Beach in front of Taylor's
Immediately following: Kids and Adults Sunfish races on the Beach in front of Taylor's
4:00 PM: Olympic Medal Ceremonies & Award of Family Games Trophy on the Beach in front of Taylor's
6:00 PM: Hello Summer! Cocktail Party in the Dean Dr. Turn-around (BYOB and a dish to pass
Sun 7/7
10:00 AM: Annual Beachwood Homeowner's Assn Meeting in Mears'/Taylor's Back Yards
2:00 PM: Doris Dean Memorial Kayak Trophy race on the Beach in front of Taylors
Immediately following: July 4th Trophy Sunfish race on the Beach in front of Taylor's
Immediately following: Trophy awards for Races
See you on the Beach!
-Robert Taylor, Commodore